Baseball Memories

Baseball Memories is designed for the person who plays Baseball or Softball and wants to keep track of their personal baseball or softball statistics for a game, season and over their entire career.

Plotting where you hit the ball is easy with the Spray Chart. The Spray Chart can be set to View a whole season or just a game at a time.

Export out the Statistics Reports, Spray Chart, 3D Graphs, Schedule and Journal to either HTML Files for on your own web site or to PDF Files.

3D Pie Graphs for Batting and Pitching Stats show you visually at a glance how you’re doing.

Play on more than one team during the year or at the same time? Not a problem to track each of these separate teams as it’s own season at the same time!

Start now to keep the stats that will convince that College Coach that your son or daughter deserves that college scholarship for Baseball or Softball!

If you are looking for a very easy to use Stat tracker that handles the most important and basic stats you have found it!

Current Version: 4.30 (March 25, 2012)
Registration Fee: $9.99 
Upgrades: Free lifetime upgrades to registered users!
Operating System: Windows XP or higher

Main Features

  • Windows Vista & 7 Support 
  • Updated Interface 
  • Track your Baseball or Softball statistics
    • By Game
    • By Season
    • By your Entire Career
  • Spray Chart Tracking where you hit the ball
    • By Game
    • By Season
  • 3D Pie Graph Stats 
    • Batting Stats
    • Pitching Stats
  • Export to HTML for your web pages. 
    • Batting Stats Report
    • Pitching Stats Report
    • Batter Spray Chart
    • Schedule
    • Journal
    • Batting Stats 3D Pie Graph
    • Pitching Stats 3D Pie Graph
  • Export to PDF file. 
    • Batting Stats Report
    • Pitching Stats Report
    • Batter Spray Chart
    • Schedule
    • Journal
    • Batting Stats 3D Pie Graph
    • Pitching Stats 3D Pie Graph
  • Batting Statistics
    • batting average calculator
    • slugging percentage calculator
    • Onbase percentage calculator
    • Track Sac Flys
    • Track Sac Hits
    • Track Hit by Pitch
    • Track Fielder’s Choice 
  • Pitching Statistics
    • calculate earned run average
    • Track Hit Batters and Wild Pitches
    • calculate Strikeout/Walk Ratio
    • calculate Winning Percentage
    • calculate Opponents Batting Average Against
    • Track Batters Faced
    • Track Sac Flys
    • Track Sac Hits
  • Add unlimited
    • Users
    • Teams
    • Games
    • Seasons
  • Print
    • Batter Spray Chart
    • Schedule for the Season
    • Batting Stats Reports – you can choose which Stats to include
    • Pitching Stats Reports – you can choose which Stats to include
    • Batting Stats 3D Pie Graph 
    • Pitching Stats 3D Pie Graph 
    • Journal
    • Roster Stat Report for players on the same team.
  • BackUp/Restore your Data to Your WebSite for OnLine Backup 
  • Your Team Wins/Losses shown on the Game Results window
  • Customizable ERA innings per game for each Season
  • Track the Teams you played for in each season
  • Ability to track multiple seasons for each year
  • Keep a Daily Journal
  • Build a Photo Scrapbook
  • Photo Album can display many image formats including Kodak Photo CD